A Beautiful Wonderful Life
Some days I feel like I have to create something, and doing the same thing twice is no fun, so I change things all the time. I can’t even use a recipe the same way twice. I can’t help it. I have to create, and when I do, it’s messy. I surround myself with my creating supplies, whether it’s beads and jewelry parts, needles and threads, or flour and sugar. Consumed with my project, I leave no empty spot for anyone else. My husband will look at my mess and start to push things aside as he asks, “What are you making now? You’ve got your stuff everywhere. I don’t even know what some of this stuff is. Can I have a spot at the table to eat?”
In a panic, I usually reply, “Wait! Wait! Wait! Don’t touch anything. I know where everything is. Let me find you a spot.” Usually, that means, I’ll fix you a place to eat in a different room at a different table.
Creating is messy, but the beauty happens when you pull the mess together with special touches and secret ingredients. When I create, my hope is to take all of the confusion and make it into a work of art.
Sometimes when we look at our lives, we think we are nothing but a jumble of confusion. But God takes our lives with all the good and bad, and mixes us up with his own hands, adding his secrets and special touches. Then he weaves in our family, events, loves, and losses. When he is finished, he has fashioned someone of beauty. That someone is you. Yes, you!
Even as I write, I see some of you shaking your heads and thinking, “not me. There must be someone else that she is writing about.”
But you’re mistaken; it’s you. I’m talking about you. You are beautiful, mess and all.
When a new baby is brought home from the hospital, he looks so perfect, but after a few hours, a strange smell begins to fill the room, and that new baby is crying louder than you thought he was capable. You run to his basket and realize that he has filled his diaper. He stinks, and he isn’t looking so pretty. But lovingly you undress him, clean him up and put on some new clothes. You pick him up and smell his fresh new baby skin. You kiss him, hug him, and tell him how special he is and how much you love him. Two hours later, it happens again. You don’t toss that precious life aside and yell at him, calling him a stinking mess. No, you clean him up and start all over again. Why? Because he’s a baby, a beautiful, wonderful life that you would do anything for.
This is how God looks at you, you are his baby. Your mess doesn’t offend him, and your smells and your tears only make him love you more. He will clean you up over and over again because he would do anything for you. Remember, what looks like a mess today is tomorrow’s work of art. God’s beautiful creation is you. Yes YOU!
Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. ESV
Isaiah 64:8
But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.