When You Get Stuck In “I Don’t Care Mode”

When You Get Stuck In “I Don’t Care Mode”

There are seasons in life when we get hit so hard—by circumstances, disappointments, or just the unrelenting grind of daily living—that we find ourselves saying, “I don’t care.” Deep down, we know that’s not entirely true. We do care. But the weariness has taken over, sapping our strength, stealing our motivation, and leaving us feeling…

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Change is an ongoing process

by Mark Chironna Greetings, Beloved! This week, I want us to take a look at change as a process, as it is important for you and I to understand the dynamics of how change works. By the way, change is an ongoing reality in life. Some changes are continuous, as with growing up and growing older. Some changes are discontinuous, as…

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ADVENT: The Promise Of His Coming

ADVENT: The Promise Of His Coming

Greetings, Beloved! My prayer for you as we enter this Advent Season, and celebrate Christmas 2017, is that the grace and peace that comes from both God our Father, and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, would be yours in abundance. You are His child, and by His Spirit, that glorious experience of peace, from…

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If It Matters To You, It Matters to God!

by Dr. Mark J. Chironna Greetings, Beloved! May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with your spirit! I am ever so grateful for your steadfastness of faith in the gospel. The strength of the body of Christ requires that all of us stand strong in these days of challenge and change. I want to…

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Watch And Pray

Greetings, Beloved! I sincerely pray that this email finds you in a healthy place in Christ. Starting today. My heart’s desire is that Christ, who is our Peace, our Shalom, in whom there is an absence of all things harmful, and in whom there is the presence of all things beneficial, will cause there to…

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