Posts by Robin Alcala
Hugs, Pearls, and Swine
“Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.” I recall being newly married, and constantly getting this Scripture. Imagine that. I could not for the life of me interpret completely what this was to mean to me. Though I studied…
Read MoreAbuse is Abuse is Abuse
Abuse is abuse is abuse. Even if an abuser sits in your pews. Or someone you may sit next to in the congregation. And, God forbid if it be the man you see in the mirror! Just like the number of divorce is no different among Christians and non Christians, abuse occurs within highly…
Read MoreAre All Fears Monsters?
Are all fears monsters? The answer is no. Sometimes a fear can be a Wise Warrior showing up to protect you. Generally, we hear that when you feel fear and you make a major decision out of that fear, it will normally not be the best decision to be making at the time. I…
Read MoreEar Popping Adjustments
Ears popping. Adjustment. Re-alignment. Have you ever gotten your back re-aligned by a Chiropractor or an adjustment by a Massage Therapist? Pop. Pop. Pop. When suddenly one or both ears pop and magically open up. You thought you were a little out of whack; but the pops and the opening up of your ear gates…
Read MoreThe Dirt
The Master distributed talents, to one man ten talents, to another five, then to a third man one talent. The man with the one talent, went and hid his talent in the ground. He took his purpose and buried into the soil of disbelief and misbeliefs. He did nothing with what God had called him…
Read MoreA Door of Hope
Suddenly. Out of nowhere. Knocked down. Flat on your face. Left scratching your head with great perplexion, “What is going on here? Why this? And why now?” Life can be full of surprises. For it has an uncanny way of sucking the strength right out you and leaving you with more questions than you…
Read MoreThe Adventures of Peter Bunny Rabbit
Like Solomon, I was engrossed in the moment of what my eyes beheld, as I searched for the life lesson in the creation realities that unfolded before me. Recently, this adorable tiny baby rabbit the size of my palm was sitting alone and leaning against the air conditioning unit outside our home. He appeared…
Read MoreWelcome To The Jungle!
Since I was an itty bitty thing, I loved watching animal shows. Back centuries ago there was a show, “Wild, Wild World of Animals ”. The lions and the tigers were my absolute favorite, with the elephants a close second and everything else except for the reptiles were tied for third place! I am…
Read MoreGod’s Word Increases Your Net Worth
by Robin Alcala Great insights into the heart and nature of God can be found in Deuteronomy 30. From the deepest parts of His core, He is expressing this unfathomable reality. “Wherever you are in life, no matter how far you have wandered from Me, ignored or forgotten My guidelines and rule book for life.…
Read MoreBe the Change
by Robin Alcala If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living. We can’t grow if we just stay where we are. We can’t grow if we don’t change the way we think and act. In fact, changing our life is a continuous process. It never ends. The moment…
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