Cancel Culture: America’s Cancer Within

When I was young, the most consistent message I received was to value education. At school, at home, at church and even playing with other kids, the virtue of learning about our nation’s illustrious history was always proclaimed as being desirable. Everybody felt the same way and for good reason. As Americans, we were the beacon of hope for oppressed people throughout the world. Everybody wanted to be like us.


As a child, knowing this made me proud of my heritage. I still am proud of it. Throughout my life, I have never abandoned my core belief in America’s greatness. It has sustained me through many difficult times, including now.


With the Cancel Culture movement sweeping the country, where ignorance of our history has become a virtue and lack of knowledge is being championed as estimable, an entire generation of young people will never internalize the value of patriotism. Unlike my generation, kids are being taught to hate America and not love it.


The Radical Left, repudiating the pride of our heritage, along with the value of the American way of life, are proud of what they know, but they don’t know much. Unable to handle our past or be able to reflect upon it, in their Totalitarianism of Thought they demand that we destroy everything America has ever stood for. There is no reasoning or common ground—not with these hatemongers. All they understand is brute force.


Insisting that everyone think as they do, they value violent extremism over thoughtful contemplation. Insisting on anarchy to replace law and order, their goal is to rip this nation apart by dismantling every vestige of our past. They want to create a utopia where the ignorant and unwashed supplant those who simply want to live in peace and quiet.


Like cancer, the Cancel Culture is ravaging our collective unity and destroying America from within, but are we terminal? Will this be the end for the United States of America as we know it? Is mob rule destined to become the norm? The answer is yes, unless people of faith and character stop being passive and become willing to stand up against this onslaught of terror.


The Democrats, who are fearful of offending the Radical Leftwing of their party, will never do it, so it’s up to people like you and me. But, will we be strong enough? Will we be wise enough to not allow ourselves to be deceived by the simplistic positions of the Cancel Culture? Will we be willing to confront their violence with force to restore law and order? We’ll see. So far, the jury is out.

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