It Is That Time Again

It Is That Time Again

Looking at the end, with the colorful confetti and banners, the triumphant music, and the joyful crowd of people in a celebratory posture, it would be easy to think that a grand time has been had by all. Across America, a collective sigh of relief exhaled. It is over! No more nauseating campaign ads interrupting…

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Massive White House Deception

Massive White House Deception

COMMON SENSE: Okay, what we have known and discussed repeatedly ever since Joe Biden became President, that he suffers from some form of dementia, has now become public knowledge, thanks to Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report. Many Americans, hearing this for the first time, are understandably just beginning to come to terms with how serious…

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Honor Your Father

Honor Your Father

Little did my dad know that within a couple of years after his college graduation a daughter would be born, and he would have a grand influence on her life. I didn’t idolize a rock star, popular actor, or world leader when I was growing up. My hero was, and continues to be, my daddy.…

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The Reciprocal Relationship

The Reciprocal Relationship

How do Christian organizations and management refocus the biblical ‘Beatitudes’ found in Matthew 5-7 in leading and managing employees? Leaders and employees must work towards specific goals and objectives for the organization. Organizations are known by their motives; their sole purpose is gaining wealth by taking customers’ money or the supervisors storing up reports for…

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Special Counsel, Biden’s Memory Was Hazy

Special Counsel, Biden’s Memory Was Hazy

COMMON SENSE: The White House consistently and repeatedly tells us that President Biden is sharp as a tack, but the Special Counsel in charge of the mishandled documents thinks differently. In his report, Special Counsel Robert Hur stated, “In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden’s memory was worse. He did not remember when he…

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The Transformation

The Transformation

How many times had he walked on this path, twenty, forty, a hundred? It was his favorite location, and he thought he knew every landmark. He was sure he remembered every tree, rock, and bush. Today, it was as if someone rearranged everything and right in the middle of his path was a bush he…

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The Ethical Servant

The Ethical Servant

There is a joy found in the times of serving others. Many at one time have had the opportunity to serve or help someone else and have experienced this inner joy. It is more than just a “warm and fuzzy” but a satisfaction that you are useful to someone else. It has been my experience…

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The Nefarious Goals of the Democrats

The Nefarious Goals of the Democrats

COMMON SENSE: Every four years we are told by the Democrats and the Republicans that the upcoming Presidential Election “is the most important one of our lifetime.” It’s almost never true but, in this case, it is. The 2024 Presidential Election will determine the direction of this country for the next half century. Will we…

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When the Holy Ghost Ghosts You

When the Holy Ghost Ghosts You

There’s a certain expectation we tend to have of God as His children.  Of course we know that life isn’t going to be perfect.  But we are promised that He is working all of the negatives into a tapestry of beauty in the end, that He will avenge us for what has been done wrong…

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Developing the Mind of Christ

Developing the Mind of Christ

COMMON SENSE: Our generation has been marginalized, making our impact on American culture minimal. We have become comfortable losing to the Children of Darkness, justifying their deceit and depravity as a sign of the End Times. In so doing, we have made our defeatism a virtue, which it most-assuredly is not. What we are being…

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