No Such Thing as an Overprotective Parent
“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” — Proverbs 22:6 NLT “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.” — Proverbs 1:8-9 NIV In…
Read MoreTrue Enemy
Our daughter had gotten into trouble for something—though the exact reason escapes me now. What I do remember is her dramatic outburst after being punished. She looked up at me and shouted, “I hate you!” In her eyes, I was the enemy for taking away her TV time. It’s a classic reaction of blaming the…
Read MoreFinding Strength in Your Insecurities: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
Insecurities are often perceived as weaknesses, but for those recovering from narcissistic abuse, they can be signposts pointing towards deeper wounds that require healing. These insecurities are not just emotional hurdles; they are indicators of areas in our lives that need attention and care. Narcissistic abuse, whether emotional, psychological, or spiritual, leaves deep scars. It…
Read MoreHonor Your Father
Little did my dad know that within a couple of years after his college graduation a daughter would be born, and he would have a grand influence on her life. I didn’t idolize a rock star, popular actor, or world leader when I was growing up. My hero was, and continues to be, my daddy.…
Read MoreWhy You Should Homeschool Right Now
I never wanted children. I didn’t think being a mother was in my DNA. When I was a kid, I shunned playing with baby dolls in favor of target shooting with my bb gun. I imagined I was Annie Oakley and would practice by holding a mirror and shooting over my shoulder. And I was…
Read MoreIf Life Was A Cupcake
I read a true story today about a woman who went to a foreign country for the first time. She loved the hotel pool and garden area, but the moment she stepped out onto the street she was overwhelmed with the many rickshaw vendors crying out for her attention. She quickly retreated inside the safety…
Read MoreAre You Going On Vacation Or Getting Married?
The first time I went to Florida on vacation, I had no idea a place like that even existed. Growing up in Ohio, I was used to pine trees, not palm trees. Riding a bike in December? Unheard of! Running up and down the beach chasing crabs instead of lightening bugs. As Jasmine from the…
Read MoreI Don’t Want to Learn How to Swim
When my brother and I were about this age, our mom, Murph, decided that we needed to learn to swim. Acting upon her decision, she bought a package of swimming lessons for us at the local YMCA in Newton, Massachusetts. Back then, only men were allowed to be at the Y. Women had to go…
Read MoreWhen the Walls Fall
“Grandfather, how will I know what to do? You have told me so many times that I am special. But what does that mean? What will I do that is so important?” The old man leaned over and scooped up the tiny girl. She was small, but he could see that there was greatness in…
Read MoreChasing Shells
As I type this, I am being serenaded by the sounds of the ocean and the breeze flowing through the palm trees. Our family is on a beach vacation in South Carolina. I took a glorious walk on the beach this morning. The second my toes hit the sand, I was transported to my six-year-old…
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