Embracing Fear: The Tale of Gideon

Embracing Fear: The Tale of Gideon

Gid was afraid.  Never in his entire life had he been as fearful as he was in that moment.  He never took chances, always deferring to others, following, and never leading.  He came from the wrong part of town, and never expected to amount to much.  No one in his family excelled.  They were all…

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A Light in Darkness

A Light in Darkness

I cut on the light on the headstone of our bed to see the pathway to the kitchen in the middle of the night. It helps as a guide for me to walk safely from the kitchen to my bedroom after I get a glass of water. The light on my bed is a small…

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What a Difference a Day…Or Three Makes

What a Difference a Day…Or Three Makes

A day, a noun used to signify a period. It can be divided into hours, minutes, and seconds. Adding them together makes a week, a month, a year, or an era. “Back in the good old days.’ “Happy New Year!” “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” “Today was a heck of week.” These are just…

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What is a Christian?

What is a Christian?

If you ask, “What is a Christian?” odds are you will get a different answer depending on who you ask. To some, it’s a person whose beliefs and morals are based on the teachings of Jesus, the son of god. Others will say, it’s a deep and meaningful relationship with God, bought through Jesus Christ.…

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The Reciprocal Relationship

The Reciprocal Relationship

How do Christian organizations and management refocus the biblical ‘Beatitudes’ found in Matthew 5-7 in leading and managing employees? Leaders and employees must work towards specific goals and objectives for the organization. Organizations are known by their motives; their sole purpose is gaining wealth by taking customers’ money or the supervisors storing up reports for…

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The Transformation

The Transformation

How many times had he walked on this path, twenty, forty, a hundred? It was his favorite location, and he thought he knew every landmark. He was sure he remembered every tree, rock, and bush. Today, it was as if someone rearranged everything and right in the middle of his path was a bush he…

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The Ethical Servant

The Ethical Servant

There is a joy found in the times of serving others. Many at one time have had the opportunity to serve or help someone else and have experienced this inner joy. It is more than just a “warm and fuzzy” but a satisfaction that you are useful to someone else. It has been my experience…

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When the Holy Ghost Ghosts You

When the Holy Ghost Ghosts You

There’s a certain expectation we tend to have of God as His children.  Of course we know that life isn’t going to be perfect.  But we are promised that He is working all of the negatives into a tapestry of beauty in the end, that He will avenge us for what has been done wrong…

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The Team Leader

The Team Leader

This level of leadership is in almost every organization today. Working leaders serve in businesses, our civil governments, the military, and in Church ministries. Everything has a beginning, so it is with leadership. It is important to understand that this position is entry, elementary, and probationary in nature. Rarely is there any formal education or…

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Days of Noah

Days of Noah

I’m telling you, there isn’t room for even one more.  How many do you intend to bring in here?  It’s bad enough that you are forcing me and the boys into this monstrosity of yours, and now you expect us to share our personal spaces?  I’m telling you – enough!”   “I saved the best…

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