How Did We Get Here?

How Did We Get Here?

I woke up on Election Day earlier than my alarm. I laid there thinking on the importance of this day. My first inclination was that I should spend this bonus time praying for our nation. The truth is I had begun praying days ago. I heard this question in my spirit, “Pray for what?” I…

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What, Not Who

What, Not Who

Hang on everybody, we are almost there, soon this crazy segment of time known as the Presidential election cycle will be over. Hopefully, we can avoid any loss of friendships, fragmented family relationships, and biased bans on social media. I think it is ridiculous that people will allow themselves to be spun up and sever…

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In The Lord’s Service: Entering In

In The Lord’s Service: Entering In

John 15:5 “Yes, I AM the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.” In my introductory article for this series, I wrote that there is no higher accomplishment that a  person can do in life, than…

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Preacher, Preacher Itch My Ear

Preacher, Preacher Itch My Ear

It had been a busy couple of days for sure. Jesus had fed five thousand on a hill, walked on the water in a storm, delivered His “Bread from Heaven” sermon, and then spun up the religious leaders with the first of His seven “I AM” declarations. I am convinced that in the three and…

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Don’t Let Arnold in the House

Don’t Let Arnold in the House

Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, honor is not fitting for a fool. (Prov. 26:1 NIV) In our organizations, whether business, ministry, or government, it is vitally important who we let in. Adding the wrong person to the team can have negative effects. How many sports teams have signed a highly sought free…

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Stand Firm

Stand Firm

In a time of severe oppression, when the Israelites were suffering under the Midianites, Gideon was hiding, threshing wheat in a winepress to avoid detection (Judges 6:11). This scene painted a grim picture of Israel’s plight. Amidst this, the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and declared, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior”…

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True Enemy

True Enemy

Our daughter had gotten into trouble for something—though the exact reason escapes me now. What I do remember is her dramatic outburst after being punished. She looked up at me and shouted, “I hate you!” In her eyes, I was the enemy for taking away her TV time. It’s a classic reaction of blaming the…

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In The Lord’s Service

In The Lord’s Service

A couple of decades back in an adult Sunday school setting, my Pastor and father in the faith, began a course of teaching called, “In the Lord’s Service.” It was to strengthen those already in ministry leadership positions, teach those new to these positions, and inspire others to rise and accept positions. With revelation of…

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Jacob’s life was a relentless struggle from the start. Even before birth, he wrestled with his twin brother Esau. As a young man, Jacob used deceit to claim Esau’s birthright and blessing, leading him to flee to his uncle Laban. There, Jacob faced another long battle, as Laban repeatedly deceived him, testing his patience. Yet…

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Renewing Your Mind: Where Faith Meets Neuroscience

Renewing Your Mind: Where Faith Meets Neuroscience

As Christians, we’re called to a powerful journey of mental and spiritual transformation. The Bible’s wisdom on renewing our minds aligns beautifully with modern psychology, offering us a holistic path to overcome negative thought patterns and embrace God’s truth. Scripture provides us with powerful guidance for transforming our minds. In 2 Corinthians 10:5, we’re instructed…

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