By Stephanie Lacey
When I created Adam, I created him in my glory meaning he was focused upon me. He had no selfish thought because he was fulfilled by my presence and in my presence. He did not want for anything. He had no knowledge of needing anything more because I was with him. He was already highly regarded in my eyes. He needed not one thing. He was satisfied and overflowing in my richness and blessing. He heard my voice very clearly, he knew only of my favor and gifts. He felt no sadness or loneliness for I was with him. He did not even have one thought of self-reliance because I was fully his reliance. He was radiant because I was his all in all before the fall. I sent my Son Jesus to restore this space between us that Adam lost. When Adam fell, the first thing that happened was that he became self aware and self focused. He ran from me and started clothing himself. He began the pattern self focus for all humanity. But understand I have made provision, protection and so much more for you beloved child through my Son Jesus the Christ. Built into you upon salvation through His blood you have redemption and securities self cannot provide. I made a way out of this wilderness back into my promise and original design. So I say to you enter in and make your focus upon me once again. You are not really alone and need not figure out how you will survive through it. I have restored the garden to you in Christ Jesus. Come out of self-reliance and into me. Set your eyes upon me and glory in my wake. For I have more than enough and you need not struggle within yourself to gain what I already hold so richly in my heart for you.
Scripture application Colossians 3:2, Proverbs 4:25, Matthew 6:33, Psalm 1:1-6, Romans 8:5, Isaiah 26:3, Psalm 32:8, 1 John 3:16, 1 John 1:9, 1 Peter 2:11, Psalm 119