God Has Answered Our Prayers

COMMON SENSE: I’ve been a Christian for a long time, many decades actually. Over this period, prognosticating about the future, many of my friends have told me precisely what God is doing for them—how He is leading them to do this and that. I’ve believed them, usually anyway, but this has never been my experience. Almost always, when I can discern the way the Hand of God has been moving, it has been retrospectively. Looking back, I can clearly recognize what He has done, but almost never by looking forward.

Take where we are as a nation, for instance. When Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden, who received 81 million questionable votes, I called foul. Infuriated, like so many others, I felt like the election had been stolen. Since I was certain we were in the right, I wondered where God was in what was happening. We prayed fervently, seemingly to no avail.

Losing the election to a moderate Democrat, who changed immediately to empower the Leftwing of his party to impose radical, un-American ideas and values on us, there was a part of me that felt like Almighty God had let us down. I felt like we had been abandoned, even though I knew this really wasn’t true. Now, four years later, as I look back, I can discern God’s leading in a way I couldn’t when events were transpiring.

If Trump had won in 2020, he would just now be leaving office, but he would never would have been able to accomplish what he intended. That’s because the Woke Progressives, who were ascending in power, would have relentlessly attacked him, never permitting him to implement his ideas. With the media’s support, Trump would have been a marginally successful President at best, but this will not be the case now.

After four years of Biden’s incompetency, high inflation, and the dramatic lowering of the standard of living for most Americans, coupled with overwhelming corruption, Americans were more than ready to reelect Trump to a second term, but that’s not all. Instead of him limping into office, like he would have in 2020, he is now being heralded in as our nation’s champion. Patriotism is in Vogue again. Much wiser because of all he has been through—us too—Trump knows exactly what he intends to do. More importantly, he knows how to get it done.

I can see God’s leading in this now, but I couldn’t four years ago. In His wisdom, our Heavenly Father allowed us to have a taste of what living under Woke oppressiveness would be like, what the excesses of Socialism would be, and how difficult our lives would be with our basic freedoms having been successfully undermined.

Now, all of the abuse of the Biden administration is nearly in the rearview mirror. The Woke, DEI agenda is practically dead, and we’re back in control, with the future looking bright for the land of the free. Best of all, we can know for certain that God did hear our prayers in 2020. He answered them. He might not have answered them exactly the way we wanted Him to at the time, but He answered them according to His will, not ours. Doing so has been a great reminder that He is God, and we are not.