Heaven Is Coming To A Theater Near You!
The forces of Hell are manifesting in more intense ways. At the same time Heaven is breaking out. It’s almost like going into one of those theaters where multiple movies are playing. Go into the wrong theater and you have a front row seat watching Hell. Go into a different theater and you can see Heaven. BOTH are broadcasting right now!Heaven is inviting you to your front row seat.
Terrorists and Activists are getting their instructions from the spirit realm where they sit. Now it’s your turn! The difference between you and others is that you know there are two theaters- the other folks are a captive audience in Hell but think they are bringing Utopia.People do not realize that these are counterfeit “Reformations” taking place.
Radical race activists and radical Jihadists are both warring to bring their version of Utopia to earth. Think about it. It’s a counterfeit of the Reformation we are supposed to bring. It’s a counterfeit evangelism going on as well. Activists and Jihadists both hope to build a bigger following by manipulating media to cover their incendiary exploits. From my perspective the leaders behind these counterfeit movements are operating as “angels of light” bringing their followers under a spell. That spell is described by a word – “witchcraft.” You can always discern witchcraft when you see blatant “rebellion” manifest. “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” (1 Sam 15:23) The two work together: rebellion and witchcraft.The mistake we make is to think that witchcraft is simply a Halloween, pointy black hat and broom stick phenomena. The greatest platform for witchcraft is wherever a counterfeit leader (angel of light) inspires a counterfeit movement. Hitler was an angel of light. So was Stalin. Politics and people movements are prime platforms for witchcraft- which is why we MUST PRAY to bind Hell and to lose Heaven.
This Month!
Earlier in November I sensed an urgency to change my prayer paradigm. It seemed that I heard the Lord say, “Jacob’s Ladder.” I sensed that a new grace of access is right now being let down from heaven so you and I can rise up and ride above the manipulation of witchcraft. We do not have to be captive to the storm. Can anything be more important? God is inviting you and me to go higher – to rise up above the “strife” of racial and campus unrest and the “fear” unleashed in Paris terrorism, and whatever other junk the devil is attempting to stir up and serve up to humanity. These are the two spirits at work by the way. In the USA it is “strife” and in EU it is “fear.”
The antidote? You have to go beyond soulish, human energy. “Perfect Love” casts out all fear. If you can cast it out – it’s a spirit. We are dealing with a “spirit of fear.” What about “Love?” Love is a Spirit – GOD IS LOVE. To be filled with God is the goal. “Peace” isn’t just a tranquil state of mind – peace is a spirit. Jesus said “My peace I give unto you.” Jesus isn’t just giving us a philosophy of life – He is giving us an impartation of His Peace. This “Peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!” (Phil 4:7)
From a position ABOVE the situation we will access POWER OVER the situation. Learn how to do this now because you will need to practice this in your own life more and more. Especially as the church globally moves into this new season.
This is the danger of America’s shift in the role of Government. Washington is not God and the President is not the Messiah. “We the people” of God have got to step into a new role or the Nation will continue to careen off course.
We are literally and spiritually becoming a city without walls.
“A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” (Proverbs 25:28)
Being “without self-control” is one of the characteristics of people in the last days (2 Timothy 3:3). This is why nations are so easy to manipulate. It’s sort of scary in a way, isn’t it? You can see more and more how the devil can use incidents and media to manipulate culture at large. He can pretty much control everyone except the person who is under the control of the Spirit of God.
BUILD YOUR OWN ARK. The secret to success in the hour is to build up your inner man – your spirit man – to a strength that is stronger than your mind and emotions. You are a tripartite being: spirit, soul and body. Build your spirit up so your inner man is ruling over your thoughts and feelings.
This is why prayer is such a priority! How do you build up your spirit? Jude 1:20 has the key: “But you, beloved, building up yourselves in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.”
Praying the right way is an exercise that builds your spirit man. This builds your spiritual capacity to “respond” rather than to “react.” As we rebuild our spiritual walls inside the church we will be rebuilding our nation. Those who stand on the rebuilt walls are called “Watchmen.” They guard the city where they live.
Building up any muscle takes time and repetition.
If we don’t learn how to pray and step back into the realm of the Spirit we will be stuck under an increasingly hostile earthly atmosphere. There is a position in the realm of prayer that is ascended above earth and outside of the storm of life. As everything “shakes” we are called to be part of an unshakable kingdom. IF WE LEARN HOW TO ACCESS THE REALM THAT DOES NOT SHAKE, WE CAN ACCESS A REALM OF REVIVAL IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS!
I’ve been building up my spiritual muscle lately by praying. My problem was that I needed to meet with others of like faith to make the ascended journey work. I used to love to pray – but then I fell away from the experience and became more of a prophetic teacher then a prophetic intercessor. The reason I fell away is because I experienced something in prayer that I lost when I stopped praying with others. There’s something about the catalytic power of AGREEMENT with others of similar faith!
THEREFORE every day for the next 21 days I am doing a “Live” Prophecy and Prayer event. Right now it is available on an APP called “Periscope.” I just hit the record button and voila there you have it! We meet on my iPhone. I do the call somewhere between 9 PM and 1 AM! Most of these calls are around midnight. I think that is prophetic in itself. The first watch began at six, the second at nine, the third at twelve, the fourth at three.
If you miss the “live call” you can still join in and pray by catching it on my facebook page: Lance Wallnau. Strange to say, the anointing is on the call whenever you join in and pray. It’s as if we are all firing through an open window and the window stays open for a certain period of time after the broadcast.
Check out my Facebook page for our last prayer session and again – check out Periscope for our “live” sessions!
If you have always wanted to pray more and just need a “kick start” – join me and 400 to 500 others. It’s a blast.