Hold Biden’s Team to Account

COMMON SENSE: With six weeks remaining before Donald Trump is sworn into office as our 47th President, his leadership is already having a profound impact both domestically and abroad.

We can also see that President Biden’s feckless incompetency is diminishing daily. His power is nearly gone, thank the Lord. Seeing it fade is reminiscent of the way the Wicked Witch shriveled away in the original Wizard of Oz.

For those of us who have endured the excesses of Woke ideology, the abusiveness of DEI, and the ubiquitous tyranny of the Deep State, what is beginning to happen is a breath of fresh air. We can see that America is becoming great again, and we are enjoying every minute of it.

Predictably, the criminals who have held us captive for so long are calling foul, saying that Trump should forego any vengeful acts against his political foes, but these malefactors fail to make a distinction between being vengeful and being held to account. There’s a world of difference between the two.

For Trump to perform his duty to the American people, he must deal with those who have abused their power. To do anything less would be a disservice to the electorate, and that’s something I doubt Trump would be willing to do. Justice requires that these villains answer for what they have done.

Because the media will interpret this as being vengeful, Trump must deal with this too. He should authorize independent documentaries be created about every abuse of authority that we’ve had to endure. Create as many episodes as necessary. Put all of them on You Tube so that the American people can see for themselves what happened. This, more than any other thing, will help us heal from what we’ve experienced.