Kamala Would Destroy Our Economy
COMMON SENSE: In the Presidential campaign, many Conservative point out that, because Kamala Harris has no business experience, she is ill-equipped to run a country whose GDP is $28 trillion. Even though this is true, it barely scratches the surface about what this would portend for the USA if someone as unsophisticated about economics as Kamala would become President.
Where Kamala is concerned, it’s more than her lack of experience. She doesn’t even know what she doesn’t know. That’s how bad it is. It’s why her first announced economic policy was to say that she would impose price controls on grocery stores. Since food prices have risen so dramatically, it must be because grocery chains are price gouging, right?
Being an economic simpleton, this answer made sense to her and to her equally naïve economic advisors. They are the same ones who have gotten us into our current financial mess, by the way.
Neither Kamala, who has been in government her entire career, nor any of her other advisors knows what they are doing. It’s because their understanding of our free-market system is based on a Marxist interpretation of history. This means, at some level, governmental control is her answer to everything. It’s all she and her advisors know. If allowed to, they will turn the USA into what the Soviet Union or the German Democratic Republic (GDR) were.
Here are the results. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, a large number of Jews were allowed to migrate to Israel. More than a million made the move. While this was good news for the migrants, it was extremely difficult for Israel to absorb that many people who did not know how to function in a free-market society. It required Israel years to reeducate them.
The same was true when the GDR was absorbed into Germany. In that case, 18 million Germans had no idea how to live without central control. As a result, the German economy was setback for several years while the Marxists were reacclimated.
In the USA, here is the problem. Kamala’s worldview, her Weltanschauung, is Marxist. It’s what she knows. It’s how she thinks. This means she has zero chance of “fixing” our economy. She doesn’t even understand it. Because this is true, to allow her to have Presidential authority over our nation would be foolhardy. The havoc and destruction she and her advisors would cause might be so catastrophic that it would cause an economic collapse. What I am stating here is not hyperbole. It’s accurate and true.