Load Up the Camels
“Come on, everyone. Get those bags packed. We don’t have all day, you know. I want to get as far as we can before the sun goes down.” Lifting bales of hay and throwing them in the wagon, the man smiled. Even though he had sprinkles of grey in his beard, the sparkle in his eyes made one think he was much younger than he was. He was excited to start his journey. Some people thought he was crazy to make such a trip. “Where were they going?” everyone asked. “I don’t know the reply, but I will know when I get there.”
Everyone had worked day and night for weeks, packing up everything they might need, tools, blankets, and cooking pots as well as tents and food, lots of food. The journey was going to be long, and they needed to be prepared for every eventuality. Servants had tied the last bundles of supplies and had strapped them to a camel. Abe looked everywhere for his wife; impatiently, he looked towards the sun. It was high in the sky. He wanted to have left by now. “Where is she?” He muttered. Calling to one of his servants, he sent the boy to go looking for his lost wife. Ten minutes later, she arrived, wiping tears from her eyes.
“Where have you been?” Abe asked. “You knew I wanted to leave as soon as we were loaded.”
“I’m sorry. Yes, I knew, but I just had to hug everyone goodbye one last time. You know, we may never see our friends again.” With that, Sari sighed and wiped a rebellious tear from her eye. “Tell me again why we have to go.”
The look of impatience left Abe’s face as he saw the sad look in his wife’s eyes. Holding her close, he told her again what The Almighty had said. “Go from your country and your family and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great so that you will also be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you, I will curse, and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
“I don’t know where we are going; I know that I have to go. This is something I must do. Tonight, tomorrow, and the days that follow, we will go until The Almighty says to stop. Every day we will travel on unknown roads, following my God. He is my life, and I must follow.”
Sari pushed herself away and said, “But what happens if…”
Abram put his finger to her lips and said, “no, what-ifs. My God has made me a promise, and He will not fail. This is not a fearful time. No, these are the days of promise, and I am excited to see what God will do.” With those words, he hefted his wife onto her camel, and they started the journey of a lifetime.
God spoke to Abram (before he had a name change and became Abraham) and told him to go to a promised land. There were no explanations of what he would face on the journey, only promises. If you go, you will be blessed and become a blessing as well. Your name will become great, and those who bless you will be blessed; those who curse you will be cursed. You will become a great nation, and through you, all the families of the earth will be blessed.
We face an unknown future that we have no choice but to make the journey. The “what-ifs” on television, radio, and social media take first place dominating conversations. Fear of the future is unprecedented, causing many to fall into depression and some to suicide. What about you? Have you ever found yourself asking God, “What happens if…? What if I lose my job? What if I lose my health? What if this man becomes president or that man! What if life as I know it changes? What if…..?”
This is not the time to fear. No, we are on a journey, and like Sari, Abram’s wife, we have no choice but to go. God has made us and our nation promises that we have yet to see fulfilled. We have a history rich with revivals and blessings, and yet we have not seen the full extent of what God has for us. Abraham believed the promises, and because of his faith, he was considered righteous. When life becomes unsure, and we face an unknown future, we should be more like our father Abraham, trusting that God, who knows all of our tomorrows, has a plan. We should not fear tomorrow, but instead, be excited in anticipation of what God will do!
Load up the camels, let’s go!