MY PRAYER for America

by Jack Watts

Our gracious God and loving Heavenly Father,
Our hearts are heavy and burdened with foreboding,
As the true purpose of the Special Counsel has become clear.
With the aid of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, it is
Mueller’s goal to take down the duly elected President
Of the United States of America and have him removed from office,
Nullifying the will of the American people in the process,
Rendering their votes and their voice void and meaningless.
Father, we come before You today and ask that You foil
This dastardly plot, perpetrated by these cunning, vile,
And ruthless emissaries of the depraved, godless Progressives.
In their dishonorable hearts and perverse minds, this merciless team
Of corrupt and unethical lawyers has come to believe they have
A higher calling, and the mischief they are inflicting upon this nation
Is somehow honorable and noble, but it certainly is not.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
All they have done is try to undermine the Presidency and create
A Constitutional Crisis of monumental proportions, as they rip
The fabric of America’s soul apart with their ignoble ambitions,
Which have nothing to do with truth, honor, or justice.
Because we can discern their intentions and understand
Their cunning motives that have nothing to do
With anything other than fulfilling their own agenda,
We ask that You protect President Donald J. Trump.
Foil the disgraceful plot of the Mueller investigation and continue
To expose the true motives behind this cabal to the light of day.
Illuminate the minds of American citizens, especially those
Who have a heart to trust You and seek Your will.
Father, do not allow their evil plot to succeed in any way.
Instead, spare us from the destruction of these worthless
Ambassadors of Darkness who wish to perpetrate upon us,

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