Pressing In!

by William Worrell

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)

Folks, it has to be said: Jesus did not call any lazy disciples. Jesus picked people who were busy doing something—even if it was wrong! Zacchaeus was busy getting rich—and some of it had come by cheating! Some were tax collectors. Peter, James and John were honest fisherman—and they were busy!

You do not need to be perfected, educated, good looking, rich, have a good family background or have special talents. But you do need to know how to press in—or be willing to learn. If you are lazy you can be changed. Your attitude controls all that you do.

People in the Bible that pressed in knew persistence—they the attitude to press in! The woman with issue of blood knew she would have to press in to touch Jesus. Most folks simply give up too soon. We see the wall; we see the hindrances; we see the opposition; we see the mountains of our physical limitations and they all say to us: “You’re not going to make it!”

Yet, this woman was willing to be mocked, scorned and ridiculed by family, friends and strangers. And because she pressed in—she attained! You too can attain all that God has promised you. This promise works in any sphere of influence! No matter if you’re a teacher, a businessperson, family member or what—persistence yields fruit!
As Luke 9:62 states: Put your hand to the plow and never look back.
Develop the attitude of constantly pressing forward in God.
And keep on pressing in!


  1. Anonymous on October 11, 2016 at 11:40 am


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