Taking Ground For The Kingdom Of God Through Media
It is funny to me sometimes that God has said to us that he has conquered all and defeated all areas of evil and yet how many of us really believe this? How many of us truly can help appropriate his work on this earth? As I wrote in the last article, “The Rocky Road to Destiny,” I do believe that we stumble upon destiny through many triumphs and failures. I also believe that if we truly seek the Lord and his heart for us we will learn in a great or grand way how exactly to do our part in the conquering. I will say that it has to be His will or it won’t bring much fruit into our lives. But when it is, we truly see the possibility of changing the world one step at a time. As far as the Mountain of Media, it has been such a delight and surprise for me. After publishing of my books things began to take off, I was thrust into the Television world and was so surprised at how much I truly enjoyed being in that place. At one time, I even was able to write a segment for a Television program and watched this Speaker use it ten minutes later in a taping. It brought such joy to me. I felt the Lords approval and affirmation. I think that it brought up a deep, resonating desire that was within me even as a young woman to be involved in the media somehow. I wanted so much to be where things were happening and able to report the truth at the most critical time. I remember even as a teenager desiring to be a newscaster that would be on the scene and right in the middle of the action and would be able to report the precise details and events as they were unfolding. So when the television opportunities began to open I was amazed. I knew then that the Lord had seen that desire within me and was bringing it out for His purposes and in His timing. Then the Radio Host position came last year and I remember being somewhat reserved in making that commitment not because of my own anxiety or fears but because I was trying to seek the Lord and see if this was indeed another opportunity to bring him glory and to take some ground for the Kingdom.
When the Bible says, “that the Kingdoms of this World will become the Kingdom of our God,” I rejoiced at the possibility of being a part of that victorious charge. After much prayer, I was delighted to discover that yes this was yet another opportunity to bring the Kingdom of God to the World and the avenue was tremendous and unlimited. The funny thing about doing or taping Radio is that you have to picture your Audience. You have to have faith that someone will hear it and maybe even receive the message in their lives and be changed forever. It was a great quandary for me in the beginning to try and picture my audience, even though I have had to do this many times with my books or magazine articles. But after hearing the program on my computer and the feedback from my friends and my boss, I was so blessed to realize that this was an area that God was going to let me take for Him. Sometimes I believe as Christians we don’t really believe that what we do will make an impact on this earth in a great way, so why do it at all? But the Lord has shown me that if I am faithful with the little that He will make the results so much larger than I would have ever dreamed or accomplished on my own. He has shown me to trust that there is a great audience that my teaching and transparency will change. He has asked me at times, if He was the only audience would I still be faithful to do it? I have truly said in my heart, Yes Lord.
Taking ground for the Kingdom and defeating the enemy has truly become my desire throughout my Christian journey but the GREATEST desire is for others to hear the truth about who our Lord is and how he desires for us to become free and then deliver others. Our greatest desire should be for others to come to knowledge of Christ Jesus and His Grand plan for their lives. As an ordained Minister I, of course, have had this desire for many years, but Media was a greater opportunity because we can touch the World in minutes. Preaching or teaching to millions in minutes had to be God’s deepest desire so that our Lord can return with His bride soon.
So you are asking the question, how do I help take ground? Well what has the Lord put in your hand? What are you good at? What seems impossible for you to accomplish on your own? What are those hidden desires that have lie dormant all these years and you dream every night they would surface and be used for the good of others? I also believe that if your gift is not media or being bold in front of others, then maybe your gift is to support those who are doing it. I know that some of us are not made to be in the spotlight and don’t enjoy it at all. My husband is one of those people. He supports me completely but does not want to be on stage or even on the Radio with me. He supports me by prayer and encouragement. My children think that it is awesome that their Mom is getting famous. I think that is so funny. My desire is for the Lord to become famous and the Kingdom of God be made known on this earth now. So I ask you today, what is your avenue to take ground for the Lord? Is it writing for magazines, books, television, radio, music or maybe teaching? I pray that after reading this you will be encouraged to do your part. He gave everyone us a desire to accomplish and make our mark on this earth. He gave us the gifts and talents we need to do so. Sometimes I believe that we only need to ask. He wants us to be happy and experience contentment in our lives as Christians and I believe the only way that happens is if we are taking ground in some dimension, whether is the areas I listed or others. To truly find your calling or destiny, you need to seek Him and relinquish your desires and watch him sanctify them and give you greater. Media is only one Mountain but if truly taken for the Kingdom of God, we will ensure that all would hear of the Gospel as the Lord intended and then He could return and take us home to our reward which would be to celebrate the victories with him in heaven. Media is so important but Satan is the Prince of the Power of the Air and this ground needs to be taken in great measure. If you are contemplating or praying about entering onto this mountain, I encourage you do so with gusto, we need your help. Move past your fears, your reservations, your weaknesses and ask the Lord to empower you and see the Victorious ground that you can take. Rejoice this day, for it may change your life but it also may change millions and think it may take just minutes to do so.
Don’t you want to do your part?