The Deceitfulness of the Palace Coup

COMMON SENSE: Feigning surprise at the cognitive decline of President Biden, which anybody with a brain has seen for years, the Democrats want to take a Mulligan, a Do-over. With four months to go, they want to choose another candidate to face Donald Trump this November.

“To save Democracy,” Team Obama, embarrassed journalists, self-serving donors, and self-important actors want to abandon the democratic process in favor of a totalitarian coup. Saying they love Joe Biden, they are doing everything in their considerable power to destroy him. Even worse, in their false nobility, they want us, the American people, to believe their intentions are noble and pure. They are not.

What a crock they are feeding us. Their purposes are anything but noble. Instead of having primaries, they anointed President Biden’s candidacy. As a consequence, Biden won the uncontested elections, providing him with the delegates he needs to be the nominee of the Democratic Party. But that’s not good enough.

But why isn’t it? It’s because they are losing, losing badly. They should have thought about what might happen sooner, but they didn’t. Instead, they counted on Lawfare to discredit Trump, to take him out of the election, to make him unelectable. Essentially, they manipulated the process “to save Democracy.”

Everything they say and do is a lie. All they want to save are their positions of power, which they believe they deserve by Divine Right, if they actually believed in Almighty God, which they don’t.

Barack and the others have “sh*t in their own nest.” Now, they don’t like wallowing in the mess they have created. Tough luck! I hope we have the Red Tsunami this November that we all anticipated in 2022.

—Jack Watts