The Flip Side of Lawfare
COMMON SENSE: Political analysts love to dissect the results of elections. That’s no secret. They tell us how women voted compared to men, how those who are educated voteed compared to the less educated, and numerous other categories. They bifurcate the electorate in numerous ways, but they routinely leave out one variable that I consider to be the most significant—the way Evangelicals voted.
I maintain this is the most important variable of all because, without the “Born Again” vote being overwhelmingly in support of Donald Trump, he would not have won. Instead, we would have to deal with at least four more years of Kamala Harris.
Thank God the Christian vote was so one-sided that Kamala couldn’t overcome it. In 2024, Trump received 82 percent of the Evangelical vote. He only received 40 percent of all other voting groups, while Kamala received 57 percent. Trump also received 58 percent of the Catholic vote. Because of this, Trump owes his victory to people of faith, but this is just the preface to the point I intend to make.
Almost to a person, Christians were offended by the Lawfare the Biden White House and the Democrats initiated against Trump to nullify his candidacy. Doing so was wrong. Knowing it was wrong, witnessing how it played out, we were deeply offended.
The 9th Commandment is clear. “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16, NAS), but this is exactly what the Woke Progressive Democrats did. They conjured up one charge after another against Trump, thinking it would destroy hum, but it had the exact opposite effect. It made him stronger. All of the unfairness rallied millions of believers to Trump’s side. In my opinion, if the Democrats had not overplayed their hand, Trump might not have even won the Republican nomination, but the malice of the Democrats was unstoppable.
Now that Trump has won and is our President-Elect, those who corruptly used the legal system vengefully against him are complaining. They maintain that, once Trump is in office, he will seek revenge. They are saying that, for him to do so, is unfair and wrong, but is it?
I don’t think it is. If giving false testimony is a sin, and it is, then the antithesis would also be—to not seek justice against those who unjustly used the law to punish their political opponent.
The Bible is clear about this. It instructs us to “Not participate in the useless deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them” (Ephesians 5:11, NAS). What they have done behind the curtain needs to be revealed for all to see. Nothing should remain hidden.
For Trump to expose these people for who they are is not an act of vengeance. It’s appropriate. It’s called for. As the leader of our nation, it’s precisely what he should do. If he doesn’t, which is what the Woke Progressives are demanding, he would be remiss. He wouldn’t be doing his sworn duty. What they have done, using the law to target, is criminal. It’s malicious prosecution and should be treated as such.
So, Mr. President-Elect, those responsible for putting you in office—millions of people of faith—stand behind you. We support you rooting out the criminal element in our government, bringing them to justice, and holding them to account. Let the Woke Progressive whine and rage all they want. We don’t care. They richly deserve what they are about to get.