This Is Why Trump Demands Personal Loyalty
COMMON SENSE: Progressive political commentators, when discussing President-Elect Trump’s cabinet nominations, mention that personal loyalty is the overriding criteria for each selection. When they say this, it’s never in a complementary way. Instead, they consistently connect his behavior with the actions of a dictator. Linking Trump to Hitler, where personal loyalty to the Führer was always required, is their favorite linkage to make by far.
But, is making a connection like this fair? More importantly, is it accurate? To those who don’t pay much attention to the news, it probably is, but to the rest of us, it isn’t. All we need to do is reflect upon what happened immediately after Trump became President the first time in 2016.
When he won that election, the following day, when Hillary finally conceded after sobering up, she said that Trump, having won, deserved the right to lead. I remember her saying this distinctly, thinking that it was a gracious concession, but it wasn’t. Instead, intending to deceive us, it was the exact opposite. Even before his inauguration, the seeds to undermine Trump’s administration had already been sown.
The “Russian Collusion” narrative, which was a complete fabrication by the Clinton Campaign, had already been launched. Its purpose was to undermine and destabilize Trump’s Presidency. By conning Jeff Sessions, Trump’s dimwitted choice to be the Attorney General, into recusing himself from the ensuing investigation, Trump’s ability to govern effectively was hampered from the time he took office. Despite this and the Covid-19 lockdown, even though many of those who were working for him were actually working against him, he did a good job, one the American people remembered fondly.
Once out of office, but not out of the public’s mind, to hamstring Trump’s future beyond repair, Lawfare was introduced. Designed by those pulling the strings behind the Puppet President, Joe Biden, the goal was to incarcerate Trump or at least to destroy his reputation, but it didn’t work. It had the exact opposite effect. The deviousness of the Democrats and their fawning media had become obvious to millions of Americans. Rebelling against the foul play, Trump became more popular than ever.
When Trump decimated Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, it’s become obvious he had learned from what happened in 2016. Once burned twice cautious, he is steadfastly refusing to nominate anybody who will betray or undermine him. Who can blame him?
So, when the media criticizes him for demanding personal loyalty to himself and to his MAGA agenda, I commend him. I say, “Good job, President Trump. Well done.”