Trump’s 2nd Term Foreign Policy

COMMON SENSE: For those of us who watched President-Elect Trump’s first press conference, it went well. For the media, however, it didn’t. Not having learned a thing since Trump’s drubbing of Kamala Harris, the Democrats, the Green New Deal and the Progressive agenda, they remain hostile, accusing him of being angry.

Having paid close attention to every second of the event, this was not my take-away. What I saw was a real leader—a man who knew what he intended to do; a man who was crystal clear about how to accomplish the task set before him. Trump projected strength, purpose and resolve, not anger. Best of all, he was honest.

Unlike the past four years, there was no subterfuge, no misleading. Having become used to deceit and tepid weakness from the Biden administration, it seems that the media wasn’t prepared for Trump’s forthrightness, but that’s on them, not on the President-Elect.

Predictably, the Left was horrified that Trump intends to make Greenland a U.S. protectorate or territory, and they were even more incensed that he threatened to reclaim the Panama Canal. To the media, doing such a thing is unthinkable. Lastly, renaming the Gulf of Mexico was too much for the appeasing nature’s of the Progressive media, but I was thrilled by all of it.

Here’s the thing: What Trump intends to do is not new. His foreign policy is almost as old as the nation itself. It’s a return to our primary foreign policy for over two hundred years, the Monroe Doctrine. Simply put, the Monroe Doctrine states that the USA will be the only dominant nation in the Western Hemisphere. Named after our 5th President, it affirms that we will not allow any overseas power to gain a foothold in either North, Central, or South America.

This is exactly what China is trying to do in Panama, and Trump is telling the world the USA will not allow this to continue. Trump’s not blustering. He means what he says.

President Biden wasn’t strong enough to stand up to the Chinese, perhaps because of the financial payments his family received to stand down, but Trump certainly isn’t beholden to China. That he is willing to go toe-to-toe with the Chinese may bother the Progressive media, but it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. The Monroe Doctrine and the America First agenda call for this level of commitment.

Where NATO is concerned, Trump’s policy is a return to what he instituted in his first administration. There will be no free rides for those who do not live up to their financial commitments, not with the USA being $36 trillion in debt. Trump also put an end to the idea that Ukraine should become a member of NATO—an idiotic suggestion floated by Biden. No former part of the Soviet Union can ever be a part of NATO. This would virtually ensure World War III, which no sane person desires.

So, let the Progressive Left protest all they like. They are powerless and not likely to regain influence any time soon. Biden, who has been more than willing to barter away our sovereignty, will be gone shortly. Ole Joe will slink away to disgraced ignominy, a fate he richly deserves.

Once gone, it will free up Trump to Make America Great Again. So, stock up on popcorn; it’s going to be a great show.

—Jack Watts