We Have Done a Great Thing
COMMON SENSE: In late October, 2008, the Democrat nominee for President, Barack Obama, knowing that he was about to win, famously said that in one week the United States would “fundamentally change.” His statement wasn’t hyperbole. He meant every word he said, and he was correct. America did change. As the gathered crowd cheered their approval, although most probably didn’t realize the extent to which our beloved nation would take a left turn, we entered a new Dark Age in American history.
For the following sixteen years, including much of President Trump’s first term, a Progressive Woke agenda dominated our land. It eroded our liberties, especially our Freedom of Speech, punishing patriots like us severely for speaking out against it.
Now, with President-Elect Trump about to take office again, with all of us much wiser, our nightmare is about to end. Freedom, ringing forth from sea to shing sea, is about to be restored. The wanton destruction of the American way of life by Woke Democrats is about to come to an end. We are poised to witness the worst, most corrupt President in history, Joe Biden, to be put out to pasture, along with thousands of his Deep-State cohorts. It’s a fate they richly deserve.
Sanity is about to be restored. The DEI initiatives throughout the land are atrophying as fast as the Wicked Witch, when Dorothy threw cold water on her. Best of all, there’s nothing the Progressives can do to stop it.
As the festivities for Trump’s massive victory are about to begin, in addition to bathing him in prayer for his protection and his future success, I believe it’s appropriate to take a moment to relish what we have done. Without us—you and me, and millions of others like us—none of this would have happened. None of it could have. What we have done is remarkable and worth memorializing.
By refusing to abandon our core values, by being determined to restore traditional American values to our daily lives, we have proven ourselves to be faithful patriots. We’re not the Greatest Generation or even close to it, but what we have done is worth noting. Long after we have passed from the scene, there will be those—our grandchildren—who will bless our names for having done the right thing, for having stood firmly against the Marxist, Progressive onslaught, and for having accomplished our bit in Making America Great Again.
So, as we cheer Trump’s Inauguration from the sidelines, let me tell you how proud I am of you. I’m honored to have joined hands with you in our relentless, sixteen-year battle to save our great nation. Maybe nobody else will ever acknowledge what we have done, but we know and so does the Lord. Like our relationship with Him, it can never be taken from us. Knowing this is all the reward I require. It makes me smile.
Thank You,
—Jack Watts