by Stephanie Lacey

You have looked around you at times and felt overwhelmed, unsettled with what may come   and wondered, “What is next?” You have taken time to analyze and try to figure it out but you have continually been met with continual bewilderment. There is a fine line in abiding in the vine beloved. The moment you cross over the fine and definitive demarcation line of that fruitful vine, you begin to try whatever you can to supplement what only I can give. Place no trust in the flesh or your own understanding but decide to connect to and draw from my perfect well of nourishment. The ambiguity is not the problem but it is a catalyst, which I use to give you a choice. It is your choice to abide in and trust in me to draw all wisdom and strategy through this narrow and adjoining place with me. Yes my place with you in the vine is a narrow way but it is where all my favor is. This narrow space does not feel narrow at all one you commit to stay inside of it. In this you feel my presence more strongly, in this place you receive the love you have been pining all those years for, in this vine you are granted wisdom beyond your years. In this space is where my protection is. In this vine your true identity and authority is revealed. In this vine is every perfect gift on earth and in heaven is deposited. This is the Promised Land. It is the place of sweetness I so desire my children to dwell. Did not my Son say, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” Take your grand position in the vine, for you are called my royal child. Take hold of me and do not let go. For I am that I am the love of your life.

Scripture application All of John chapter 15

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