I AM NOT ASHAMED to Believe in Biblical Values
by Jack Watts
From the Progressive viewpoint, this is the twenty-first century. America has evolved far beyond the foolishness of believing in inalienable rights. At least, this is true for all intelligent Americans, which they are, but we are not. Those who continue to believe in fanciful notions like inalienable rights are fools “who cling to their guns and their Bibles.”
Ignorant by nature, buffoons like us are dupes, living in a fool’s world bolstered by our romanticized version of the past. America’s future does not belong to us. It belongs to the enlightened Progressives. According to them, to believe in inalienable rights, because God is the One who “bestowed” these rights upon Americans, one would actually have to believe in the existence of God. Not only would one have to believe that God is real, but one would also have to believe that He is active in the affairs of our nation, which He absolutely is not. Such mystical notions are little more than superstitious drivel. It’s the opiate of the people, according to the enlightened Progressives of the media, academia, and Hollywood elites.
To patriotic Christians like us, God’s active involvement in our lives makes perfect sense, but to a Progressive, such thinking is nonsensical and somewhat delusional. To make matters worse, Progressives consider our mindset to be dangerous to our democracy. To them, our Christian worldview is the enemy of progress and of fundamental human fairness.
Progressives think they deal with facts, not irrational mythology, which is what they consider our biblical worldview to be. Because they deal with the real world, which is not mystical, only they are capable of possessing the truth and seeing the world clearly. We are not. Because they view reality accurately, through their Progressive perspective, they are wise. Our worldview, by way of contrast, is fundamentally flawed, making us fools for adhering to it.
I AM NOT ASHAMED is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Am-Not- Ashamed-Light-Deceived-ebook/ dp/B07FZM4VYP/ref=sr_1_3?s= books&ie=UTF8&qid=1545046872& sr=1-3&keywords=i+am+not+ ashamed