If We Fail to Stand for the Truth, Deceit Will Overwhelm Us

To facilitate a much-needed transformation in America, Christians must be called to account. Because the Word of God is accurate and true, we must invoke this divine promise. If “My people, who are called by My name, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NAS).

Like most of you, I believe this is true, literally true, just like all biblical promises are true. It is not just a high-minded, noble, meaningless statement. It’s not ethereal; it’s real. What Almighty God says is always trustworthy and true.

This Scripture provides us with our marching orders. If we want the USA to heal, we must accept what God tells us to do to accomplish that goal. Although many are already doing this, there must be an ongoing effort to call Christians to pray, fast, and become active in making our nation accountable. Each of us must confront the godlessness of our culture head-on, calling the church and the America people to repent of our national sins. Being wishy-washy about this has gotten us nowhere. We must become far more serious about confronting the darkness and depravity that is overwhelming us.

Our goal is to reestablish the traditional, foundational beliefs of our forefathers, replicating the values that created the United States Constitution. Being sentimental about this will get us nowhere. Our intention must be to make this a reality. It can be done. Our children and grandchildren’s freedoms depend on us being faithful. This begins by recognizing who our enemy really is. It’s Progressivism. We must recognize this Godless worldview for what it is and acknowledge that it is evil. It was spawned in the pit of hell. Because it was, to accommodate it or its mandates in any way will destroy us. Therefore, we must resist their goals, values and worldview just as vigorously as they do ours. Our lives and our nation depend on it.

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