What Does The Kingdom Look Like In The Marketplace Part 2



7 Key Steps You Can Take To Immediately Start Bringing The Kingdom To Your Place of Business

Part 2 of 7

By: Cyndi Houser

The first step in bringing the Kingdom to Your marketplace is to: Know what the Bible says about Heaven and the Kingdom and align your thoughts accordingly.

The next is to: Invite the Holy Spirit into your business.

I believe there is a difference between being a Christian in business and being a “Christian business”. And I believe there is even another level of being a “Kingdom business”. One where daily you commit the path of your business to the Holy Spirit and His plan for it. One where you want not only to see God’s Kingdom come, but also to be a part of it; to work in concert with God to bring His Kingdom to earth.

When my husband and I first began our business I knew that I wanted God to be a part of our business, but I was timid about what would be acceptable. Our business was, after all, in the marketplace. Surrounded by a multitude of businesses; those owned by fellow Christians and those that were…well, not.

Over and over again I heard things like, “It’s not personal; it’s just business.” and, “Business and personal don’t mix, right?”. Rather than just accept that beliefs like that one were truth, we were forced to question whether those were our beliefs because we’d heard them so many times or because we truly believed them to be truth.

Was it really true that business and personal don’t mix? Didn’t God intend for our life to just be one big life? Or did He intend for us to compartmentalize everything? Does God only care about what we do on Sundays? Weren’t we intended to make a difference in the earth?

As my husband Dennis and I began to look into it we found that over and over again God was very involved in the work lives of His people. In fact, He played a key part in their work decisions, and the direction their work took. There’s Abraham, and Issac, Jacob, and David.

So why have we as a community of believers so enthusiastically embraced the separation of our spiritual life with our work life?

I can’t tell you exactly how it all came about, but I can tell you that God cares very much what goes on in your work life. He cares about every part of your life! He doesn’t want only to be included in your “spiritual” decisions. He wants to be included in every decision.

Invite the Holy Spirit to infiltrate your business. Invite Him to be a part of the decisions you make on, who to hire, what to invest in, where to expand. I promise that as you do that you will find that there is a little more Kingdom surrounding you. And that is just the point, isn’t it?


  1. Alojamiento on May 31, 2016 at 9:45 pm

    hat does the Bible say that heaven looks like?  Are there sufficient scriptures to tell us?  Are the images of the saints playing harps while lying on the clouds of heaven accurate?  Can we know for sure what heaven will be like?

  2. David on June 1, 2016 at 2:51 pm

    According to 1 Corinthians 2:9

    9 But as it is written:
    “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
    Nor have entered into the heart of man
    The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

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