Posts by Rick Ferguson
Repentance, The Way In, Out, and Back.
As a new, young, and immature Christian I did not hear a lot about repentance. I heard much about confessing sins and remember saying “I’m sorry” a lot in my prayer time. When I did begin to hear of repentance, I would shy away, never understanding its importance. Growing some in the Word I began…
Read MoreSuccess In Leadership, Prove Yourself
I have always highly valued the accounts of David’s life in the Bible. Primarily because he was a man after God’s heart. But also because there are many life lessons that I have learned. Many of these lessons, when I received them in my heart and applied them to my life, gave me a key…
Read MoreEven If
“…And thus I will go in to the king, which is not according to the law; and if I perish, I perish.” Esther 4:16b NASB These words spoken by Esther to her cousin Mordecai after they had learned of the wicked Haman’s plot to kill all the Jews, is to me is just one of…
Read MoreDon’t Worry About the Temporal
The morning news offers nothing but doom and gloom. Another shooting, more budget shortfalls for our schools, one more politician accused of inappropriate behavior, and the CDC warns of yet another virus. The unemployment rate and the national debt continue to rise, and the politicians can only offer another tax increase. There was another fire,…
Read MoreChurch, Cathedral or Home
What is a church? If you answered that it is a building for public worship, you would be correct. Globally there are approximately thirty-seven million of them according to the internet. But this number reflects not only all the local churches of the Lord Jesus, but also all of man’s religious organizations. And in this…
Read MorePolitics, Stay Home Christians Nothing to See Here
As Americans watch the political horror show that is unfolding in our government, disgust should fill the hearts of all. However, depending on the filter by which it is viewed, it brings out differing reactions. In some anger is incited, in others apathy is increased, and with many, fear and concern strengthen its grip. Some…
Read MoreThe Modern Emerging Church
Imagine yourself new in town and looking for a church. Maybe your job moved you, or some other life-changing event is the cause. You are hoping for a church like the one you left but know that it would not be right to judge a potential new church by the one you left. Sunday morning…
Read MoreCharlie Mike!
I scanned the open field that was barely illuminated by the moonlight. There they were in the trees opposite of my concealed position. Between those being held in captivity and the landing zone for the team that would attempt rescue, stood the enemy. Crouching in the brush just inside the tree line, I raised the…
Read MoreDon’t Do Anything!
Don’t you say a word! Many of us may have heard this from our parents. During a time of correction, they saw that we were about to open our mouths in excuse or denial. Or they had prepared some things, and you and your siblings were told “Don’t touch anything”! Their instructions were for our…
Read MoreWho’s Come? Who’s Here?
“Tell them He is coming.” That is what I heard in my spirit when I first read the proclamations of Ezekiel and Joel. (Ezekiel 36:27, 37:14; Joel 2:28,29) He prompted these prophets of God to speak. His power anointed their words and imparted them with the wisdom of God, so they were able to accurately…
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